The Benefits of Jumping for Fitness

Jumping, also known as plyometric training, consists of fast, explosive movements which activate the fast-twitch muscle fibres associated with building muscle, strength and power.

We include variations of jumping exercises in all of our TruBe workouts for the following reasons:

1. Improve Strength and Power

Using plyometric exercises such as jump squats, box jumps, lateral jumps, single leg jumps alone or in a circuit will help to activate fast-twitch muscle fibres. These fast-twitch fibres have a big part to play when the muscle contracts against resistance; they are longer and stronger than the short endurance based slow-twitch fibres. We recruit more fast-twitch fibres during plyometric training resulting in muscle growth, strength and power.

2. Build Muscle

The more muscle fibres you can recruit, the more muscle you will be able to build. Plyometric exercises performed over a time frame of between 45 – 90 secs ensure that you are working in the lactic acid energy zone, causing muscular fatigue. This fatigue recruits more fast-twitch fibres to try and cope with the demand placed on the muscle. Research states that this is the perfect environment to see muscle growth or hypertrophy. Activating large muscle groups in the legs will also increase the amount of blood and therefore nutrients to the area, decreasing recovery time.

3. Sports Specific

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Jumping is a common movement in many sports, such as football, tennis, basketball, netball and athletics. Practicing similar movements in your workout will help you become more efficient in your sport, making your body more conditioned in these movements, which also helps with…..

4. Injury Prevention

Conditioning your body through a variety of movements replicating those performed in your sport or function will help to reduce the risk of injury. We tend to become injured when we increase the range of movement in a direction that we are not used to, with more resistance than our body can cope with. The landing of a jump in multiple directions and ranges places a force which conditions the body against injury.

5. Improve biomechanics

If you have a sedentary lifestyles our bodies can become more and more restricted. Certain muscles over work whilst others don’t get worked enough. An example of this is sitting. Our quads and hip flexors overwork each time we get up and sit down, the dominance of these muscles will potentially interrupt our biomechanical sequencing and cause restrictions in important joints. Therefore we need to get the glutes and hamstrings working in their true form for example landing when jumping. Our glutes and hamstrings lengthen with the resistance of body-weight slowing down on our landing, much like suspension on a bike or car.

6. Increase Heart Rate and Burn Fat

Adding plyometrics into a circuit can help push your heart rate to the next level. The compound and explosive nature of jumping means that it requires a lot of energy, burning more fats and sugars not only during the but also after the workout. An example of a good circuit would be a lift squat, push, pull and jump. 45 seconds on each with a 15 second rest x 3 rounds.

7. Co-ordination

Using a variety of jumps; one footed, two footed, backwards and twisting activates your motor skills helping you to become more coordinated. At first your jumps may be a bit wobbly, but if you keep practicing you will see big improvements in power and stability. Being more coordinated greatly decreases your chances of falling and causing injury.

8. Fun

jumping fun

Use jumping to create challenges with your friends making your workouts competitive. Enjoying your exercise helps you to achieve your goals more efficiently. The competitive element encourages you to perform maximally. Some simple but fun challenges are a standing broad jump or vertical jump, simply measure your best attempt and challenge a friend to do better!

Try one of TruBe’s signature workouts by downloading the app and booking a session.

P.S. Subscribe to the blog below or follow us on Instagram and Twitter at @trubeapp for more inspirational ways to reach your health and wellness goals!

Ten Reasons to Get a Personal Trainer

Personal trainers have rapidly emerged as a key component to living a healthy lifestyle and reaching your fitness goals.

At times they are your best friend, shouting encouragement and pushing you to be your best. At other times they’re your worst enemy as they push you to do yet another set of burpees.

We believe having a personal trainer in your life adds a myriad of benefits to your training, so we’ve compiled a list of reasons why you might consider trying a personal trainer.

1. You struggle for training motivation

If you’re struggling to get your sessions done, you may be in need of a personal trainer. When you train with someone else, it not only motivates you to get to a session but you train harder during it.

2. Your routine has become stale

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Always doing the same exercises in the gym? There’s nothing more demotivating than doing the same boring session every time you go to the gym. A personal trainer will provide new exercises to perform in different ways making every session exciting. You will find yourself looking forward to your training sessions instead of dreading them.

3. Your diet is unhealthy

We believe in the holistic approach to training, great food, hard training and the best rest and relaxation. If you find you are starting to incorporate unhealthy eating habits into your routine, it may be a sign you need the professional guidance and goal setting a personal trainer brings.

4. You aren’t seeing performance gains

Have your results slowed or plateaued? A personal trainer will help you to set new achievable goals with measurable benchmarks along the way. They will then help you to formulate a research lead strategy that will get you to each milestone.

5. You keep getting injured

Personal trainers ensure that you follow exercise programmes that doesn’t over-stress your body. Our trainers are trained to teach sessions that work in harmony with your body instead of against it.

6. You don’t have reliable training buddies

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Training with friends is fun, and sharing sessions can be a beautiful thing. It is great to set goals together and motivate each other to do those hard sessions. However, if you find yourself regularly training solo, it may be time for a new fitness friend.

7. Your passion has dwindled

You know that feeling when you first fall in love with getting fit? We believe a key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle is constantly falling back in love with physical fitness. A personal trainer can bring new dimensions to your training to help you reach your goals.

8. You never have time to workout

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When living a busy London life, regular exercise can sometimes fall by the wayside. If you find that you never have time for a workout, it may be that a pre-booked personal training session, at your home, will be the motivation you need to get out of bed.

9. You want to undertake a new challenge

Often we set goals for ourselves like running a marathon or entering a CrossFit event without really understanding the extreme physical stress we are about to put our bodies through. A personal trainer can help prepare you both mentally and physically for the challenges that lay ahead.

10. You’re stressed or depressed

If you are stressed or depressed the last thing you want to do is exercise. However regular exercise is a great way to lift your spirits. Having a pre booked personal trainer who is sympathetic towards your lifestyle will be able to adapt your session accordingly.

After a TruBe workout, we’re always thankful for our personal trainers who help us stretch ourselves further than we would on our own. Why not try TruBe by downloading the iPhone app and see if a personal trainer makes a difference to your fitness? Try a variety of different workouts with a range of our expert TruBe trainers.


Introducing Personal Trainer: Dana V

One of our highly experienced personal trainers, Dana V, has been in the industry for more than 12 years. She is a national hurdle champion, has a degree in sport sciences and maintains a fantastic philosophy for fitness and life. Not to forget a mum to two adorable daughters.

Dana’s commitment to her client’s success is her top priority. She has a kind and gentle nature but that doesn’t mean she will let you getaway with those extra burpees. TruBe customer’s love her workouts and also enjoy her integration of Yoga training.

Who is your biggest client success story?
I trained a mother of two who lost 15 kg. She not only looked amazing but she could do six clean pull ups and established a personal best doing broad jump exercises.

What do you add your shake/smoothie to give you a boost?
I love adding raw cacao and chia seeds. It makes it a heavenly and beautiful smoothie.

What do you enjoy about being a part of the TruBe Team?
It makes you feel like a special agent who goes out into the world to help people achieve their goals. I just love being part of the TruBe community.

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What was your last health and fitness obstacle and how did you overcome it?
After having two children I suffered from diastasis rectus, the separation of the abdominal muscle. It took a lot of work to repair it but I’m happy with the results.

Where is your favourite healthy date?
I love cooking new and healthy combinations for my family and friends.

What is your favourite instagram account you follow?

What is your favourite piece of TruBe equipment?
Speed ladder and the gripper sandbag.

dana sand bag blog

What is your favourite motivational quote?
“Stay original and true.”

What was your latest qualification?
Vinyasa Flow Yoga Teacher

What is the best piece of advice you have received from a mentor?
Always find time to breathe and connect with your inner self.

To book a session with Dana, download the app and find her as one of our featured trainers.


Part 2: How To Build Muscle Using Your Bodyweight: Lower Body-Workout

The next workout in our building muscle through bodyweight series is focused on the lower body. As we covered in part one, building muscle in the upper body places an emphasis on your chest, back, arms, shoulders and abdominal muscles. In this post, we’ll share techniques to build lower body muscle, which will help you to burn more fat whilst not exercising.

The most impactful way to build lower body muscle involves many variations of single leg exercises and powerful movements for a short period of time.

1. Pistol Squats: Three sets of six repetitions on each leg.

pistol squat

Simply put, the pistol squat is a one-legged squat. The aim is to get as close to the floor as you can (see picture above), holding the other leg out in front of the body.

If you are new to this exercise you may need to hold on to something, such as a suspension trainer or a wall, in order to maintain balance and alleviate body weight from the pushing leg. It is important to control the downward motion as much as possible to keep tension in all leg muscles for the whole movement.

2. One-Legged Suspension Trainer Lunges: Three sets of eight repetitions on each leg.

TRX one lg squat

The goal of this exercise is to do a split squat with a suspension trainer. Add a partner to hold down your shoulders and make this exercise more challenging, or you can do a normal squat which will make it a bit easier.

3. 40-meter Sprints: Eight sets with 1 min. rest.


Sprinting with good form and powerful strides will build great quality, well-balanced muscle. When running, pull your knees to waist height to build valuable core muscle in lower abs and obliques. To ensure a powerful stride, push the floor behind you as hard as you can.

Now that you have two quick sessions to work both your upper and lower body, take advantage of the London summer weather and impress onlookers at your local park.

To build muscle, maximum effort is needed throughout the whole session, from every set to every single rep. If you struggle to do this on your own, download the TruBe app to book a personal trainer on demand in London.

How TruBe’s Workouts Help Prevent Injury and Disease

We thought we’d take a moment to delve further into our training philosophy, looking at how our workouts have been designed.  Of course they are designed to keep you looking and feeling great but they also work in harmony with the body and to reduce the risk of injury.

Regular TruBe workouts and a well rounded approach to exercise and nutrition will help you to combat the signs of old age. Let’s take a look at the key factors of preventing injury and disease:

Improving Movement
All of TruBe’s workouts incorporate the latest functional research to condition your body in a range of movements. It is vitally important to train all 3 planes of movement in a very gradual progression, using body weight and resistant equipment. This resistant type of exercise will help maintain muscle strength and flexibility so that you don’t become injured during everyday activities. Being strong through all movements will also reduce the risk of a fall, which may result in bone fractures, muscle, tendon and ligament strains.

Burning fat to Protect Vital Organs
The exercises performed in our TruBe workouts will help to burn body fat. The more muscle you activate the more fat you burn. As we age the chances of cardiac disease, cancer and diabetes increases. If we have excessive body fat around our vital organs (viscous fat) then this increases the chances of getting these diseases.

The best TruBe workout to burn fat: HIIT
hiit training

Reducing Stress
All our our TruBe personal training sessions finish with a dynamic cool down and breathing exercise. Your TruBe trainer will guide you through a simple pranyama breathing sequence which helps to bring the you back into balance and calm the mind. This aids in preparing yourself for the rest of the challenges of the day.

Fighting the Symptoms of Ageing
“Osteoporosis occurs when the struts which make up the mesh-like structure within bones become thin, causing bones to become fragile and break easily, often following a minor bump or fall.” – National Osteoporosis Society

Resistance exercise will increase bone density and help maintain muscle strength. With the integration of multi-plane movements, you will reduce the risk of falling which may lead to injury. The exercise prescribed during a TruBe personal training session will condition your movements and range of movement specific to your daily needs.
The best TruBe workout to prevent Osteoporosis: Strength and Power

Varicose Veins
“Weakness of the vein wall allows valves to stretch so that they do not close properly. Blood then flows back into the leg along these veins. The veins and their tributaries enlarge and can be seen on the surface as varicose veins.” – The British Varicose Veins Centre

Increasing blood circulation and reducing blood pressure will greatly decrease your chances of forming varicose veins. Any exercises involving the legs and more specifically the calves will pump blood back to the heart quicker not allowing blood pooling to occur.
The best TruBe workout to prevent Varicose Veins: Toning and Conditioning
toning and conditioningCardiovascular Disease
“Viscous Fat that engulfs major organs increases the risk of all major Cardiovascular Diseases.” – NHS

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a general term that describes a disease of the heart or blood vessels.There are four main types of CVD.  They are: coronary heart disease, stroke, peripheral arterial disease and aortic disease. Increasing your cardiovascular strength and reducing fat stores will greatly reduce the risk of CVD.
The best TruBe workout to reduce the risk of CVD: HIIT

So what are you waiting for? Start looking after your body and combating the signs of ageing by downloading the TruBe iPhone app and book your first personal training session.

P.S. Subscribe to the blog below or follow us on Instagram and Twitter at @trubeapp for more inspirational ways to reach your health and wellness goals!