Chelsey Elisa

5.005 Ratings
London, UK

Experience and Knowledge

London based, born and raised. I am a Yoga and Pilates teacher, book reader, body mover, nature loving, life enthusiast. I found Yoga many years ago, when I worked in sales. Man...

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6+ years


  • Level 3 Diploma in Teaching Pilates
  • 200 Hr Yoga Teacher Training Certified


🇬🇧 English
Proudest moment as a Trainer:
Achieving my dream of helping others through my every day life


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My commitment to you

I'm authentic and passionate and love to share my joy of yoga with others. It's a very beautiful experience to know that with my knowledge and my students determination that we together can get them to their fitness and wellness goals. "Every week my clients will notice that they may be able to hold a pose for a little longer, their balance is getting better, they notice that their focus is more controlled and they are getting stronger. It's important for me to remind them of these small wins each week, so they can notice their own development. Some days are harder than others and a gentle reminder is sometimes all we need.

You are more than enough!

Everything you need

Be more accessible

Space needed: 3M x 3M
Duration: 1-HR
Location: Your choice

The best trainers

Fully qualified & ensured
At least 2 yrs experience
Background checked

Continuous support


Phone: 07459783573

Whatsapp: Click here